Today I realized what great kids I have. I know that they aren't always sugar and spice and everything nice, but tonight was one of those "makes you glad for what you've got" moments.
While playing together this evening, Emma & Grant decided to ride their scooter in the house (yeah, don't ask). And while they were doing this Emma ACCIDENTLY ran over Grant's toe. Which obviously made Grant cry. Jamie, very lovingly, comforted Grant and asked Emma to come tell her brother she was sorry and to give him a hug, which she did with no protest.
Then dinner was done and I called her down to eat. She comes down the stairs with tears in her eyes wiping away at her face, but trying to pretend she was okay. She took one look at me and burst into tears again. Through the sobs I concluded that she was heart broken that she had run over her brothers toes and made him cry.
At this point he was already chowing down on dinner, the toe incident far behind him. It then took me another 5 minutes to console her and get her to eat dinner too.
I hope this kind of innocence and compassion sticks around in the teenage years to come!! Wish me luck