Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Here I Sit....

In front of the are both safely at school, dishes are in the dishwasher, grocery list is made, gym shoes are on. This is is supposed to be a kid free, errand running, laundry kind of day. I hopped on the computer "really quick" to look something up before heading to the gym and beyond, but here I sit...........STILL!! Why is it so easy to get distracted? I think I might have a mild form of ADD. Does this happen to anyone else?


mjseavers said...

It's horrible little monster that keeps beaconing you "just sit" for a little while. Sadly that little while becomes so much longer than what we anticipated. I feel your pain and frustration. So off I go to finish my laundry and make lunch. Thank you for the kick in the pants =)

amyrdh said...

You couldn't have been distracted to long. . .your post was only 8:30 in the morning!! Goes to show how much you must get done everyday before a lot of people are even out of bed :) All I know is that you were light years ahead of me at that time this morning.

Christy said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel. The only thing that has saved me lately is that Ben and I share a computer now and he is on it for work! It has been so long since I have been able to check in with your blog. You guys have been busy. You all look great and you have some fun photos! Good to see that all is going well in your corner of the world!