This morning as Emma was leaving for school, we were going through the usual routine. She ALWAYS asks me what we are doing today after school (this is AFTER she asks what we are doing TOMORROW-at bedtime). Anyway, I informed her what we were going to do this afternoon, and then she noticed that I wasn't "ready" to take them to school. I usually take her to school on Thursdays, and then go work in Grants classroom. But I had switched days yesterday with my friend, so today was my "at home" day. She looked around a moment, and I could tell she was thinking something. She paused, then asked
"Mom, what DO you do after we leave for school?" She wasn't trying to be rude, or funny, she was genuinely curious. So I gave her the list:-start a load of laundry
-unload dishwasher
-load dishwasher
-clean up rest of kitchen
-fold laundry
-start another load of laundry
-go to the gym
-drop off
Scentsy orders
-pick up toys around the house
-fold laundry
-start another load of laundry
-do agenda for PTA meeting
-start lesson for Sunday
-wrap birthday present
-read/respond to emails
You get the picture. I stopped to think about her original
question this morning. I guess I never really knew what MY mom did after we went to school. I never thought about the clothes that always seemed to be in my drawers, the after school snacks that were always there, the supplies in the drawer for school projects, the cute holiday decorations around the house, etc. etc. It was just important that she was there everyday when I got home from school. And as a reflect on the long list of things "To Do", I guess I realize that there is NOTHING more important than being there for my kids. Sometimes it takes an innocent question from a 7 year old to make me STOP and be THANKFUL!! Love ya' Emma!!