Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Weird Weather-Part1

We have been having some weird weather here in California. On Saturday we went over to my mom and dads house, to do some yard work and ended up hanging out most of the day because the kids were having such a good time. At one point in the afternoon I was talking about how we used to play in the rainbow sprinkler on nice sunny days. My kids had no idea what I was talking about, and my dad happened to have one. So we busted it out and the rest is history...........


Mama Thompson said...

Those are the best sprinklers EVER...oh...and our weather is crazy too. Dallin got a BAD sunburn on Saturday (I'll take the blame, I'm a bad mom)...then yesterday we had winds that should have taken the house down and today we were at a whoppin' 47*...April...gotta love it:)