Friday, August 20, 2010


Toy Story 3 in Disney Digital 3D

This morning as I was dropping Emma off at school, we were in the line of cars to get into the school waiting at the crosswalk.  A group of about 8 kids walked across the street with one adult.  Grant says, “Mom!!  Are ALL those kids’ that lady’s?”  I said, “No, she runs a daycare and she is walking them all to school.”  His response, “Oh, I’m glad I don’t go to daycare………..” (here is where I thought there was going to be some heartfelt comment about how much he loves staying home with me-think again)……. “Daycare is mean.  Like in Toy Story 3 when all the kids are beating up the toys.”

Wow, warms your heart right?


Megan said...

I love Grant!!! My kids think that going to YMCA would be the coolest thing ever!

Stefani said...

classic. i love that you remembered to blog his comment.... i need to get better at that! he's funny!