Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kindergarten Readiness (aka Preschool #2)

Today was Grant’s first day of Preschool #2.  The parent participation preschool that both Emma and Grant attended closed down last year due to budget cuts—thank you California!!  Anyway, sad as that was, I think we have found the perfect fit for Grant this year.  Even though Grant is going to be 5 this year, he missed the cut off date to start kindergarten by 28 days.  So he will be doing this Kindergarten Readiness Class 2 days a week, and one day at “home preschool” with me and Mrs. Dana.  (yikes, mommy is a little scared about this part-I have never felt like I could be one of “those” moms who can teach their own kids, so we’ll see how it goes.  The things we do for our kids, right!!?)


Grant-First day of Preschool-2010

He was a little nervous leading up to class, but then jumped right in.  Of course we had to do the customary photo shoot before going into class:

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There were so many fun things to do.  I was SHOCKED when he first tried out the tracing station:



Then it was off to circle and time to say goodbye for the day:


Class is only and hour and a half, way on the other side of town.  So the mommies had to fill the time somehow:

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But we finished in enough time to catch the last part of a shape memory game:


Then it was time to pack up:


And say goodbye to Mrs. Laurie:


I’m sure it will be a GREAT year Grant!