Friday, November 5, 2010

Emma’s Baptism


The Happy Family at Emma's Baptism


ON November 5th Emma was baptised a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was a really special evening. She played a duet on the piano with her dad, Grandpa Redfearn baptized her, Grandma Redfearn and Grandma Cahoon both gave great talks, and then she was confirmed by her Grandpa Cahoon. There was a really beautiful spirit there.



Pictures left to right are- Emma and Ireland, The O'Donnall family,Rachel (she and Emma are second cousins who share the same birthday) and Charlie, Aunt Marcia and Uncle Scott

DSCF2479This was the table by the door as you walked in. I love the pictures of Emma in her 2 white dresses. Sherrie did a nice job with the decoration. She had pictures of Emma all over the room, it was fun to look back and see how much she has grown. Also for refreshement she had all of Emma's favorites. Pumpkin Pie, Apples and carmel dip, chocolate and punch. She wanted mashed potatoes, but Sherrie talked her out of it.

And since I am updating this, I added this one of Emma and I!!! I was so glad I got to be there for her special day.