Thursday, December 25, 2008

December In A Nutshell

All the crazy excuses apply to why I haven't posted in awhile, so I'll let you all use your imagination. But here are a few highlights of December for our family.

Emma brought home lost of yummy Christmas art projects that Grant loved (to eat)!

We held Emma's Daisy Scout Christmas meeting at our house. She was such a helper getting the house cleaned, decorations out, chairs arranged, and even made a sign for the front door (Daisy Scouts Come In Merry Christmas. Come into the house with the sign on it.)

Emma had a Christmas Breakfast and Program at her school. She ended up on the other side of the stage from where I was sitting, so I didn't get any pictures/video of the actual performance. But trust me, you've never heard a better version of We Wish You A Merry Christmas, or The Twelve Days Of Christmas. And Papa got to come see her too. Thanks Papa!

We tried (without much success) to take some Christmas photos in front of the tree before church last Sunday. We had good intentions, but the kids must have not been feeling in a particularly "cheesy" mood. This was the best we got (after a few tears and threatening words.)


Megan said...

Annie thinks Emma is beautiful in her Christmas dress.