Thursday, October 14, 2010

Corn Maze

This year I am doing preschool at home with Grant and is buddy Pierce one day a week.  Yesterday we were doing the letter “F”, so I took them to the “farm” , we went in the “field” (corn maze), and got some blueberries at the “fruit” stand.  Everything started off great, the boys were having fun and I thought we were making good progress in the maze.  But after about 20 minutes, the novelty of the whole experience wore off, and I had 2 little boys who just wanted to be OUT of the 2 1/2 acre maze.  So we busted through a wall to be FREE!!  Then they played in the jump houses until  they were red faced and HOT (because its still 90+degrees here!!)  All in all, I would have to say it was a “FANTASTIC” day!

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