Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm Thankful For...

I am thankful for my health. It really is ironic the things you take for granted. But over the last 2 weeks I didn't really realize how healthy I have been. Over the Labor Day holiday we took the kids ice skating and I hurt my back. I have been down (as much as you can be with 2 kids) at the doctors, chiropractors, icing it, and taking many pain meds. Within the last 2 days it has felt remarkable better--then I started getting a cold. Then Grant started getting a cold. I'm not complaining--okay maybe a little. I was just telling Jamie tonight now much I never realized you use your back for. So from this point on, I am going to try and make a conscience effort to be grateful for the health that I enjoy and try hard to preserve it!


Tyler and Lisa said...

Ditto...having good health is a great thing to have and a great thing to be thankful for!

Christy said...

Yes, with ben's cancer scare we have definitely been thankful for good health. Thanks for the reminder!