Saturday, November 22, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Today we spent the day putting up our Christmas Tree (I'll post a picture when I find the cord to the camera). First of all we pulled out the fake tree that my mom and dad gave to us last year. They got a new one and we thought we'd try one out. So this year we pulled it out and remembered that the stand broke (I don't know why we even packed it back up, we probably should have just thrown it away then), so we went shopping to find a new one. First Sam's Club, then Lowe's and last of all Target! I think we compromised on color, height, width, etc. We put on Christmas music, lit a fire and have had the lights on all evening. Some may think we're crazy, but the season doesn't last long enough (and if I waited any longer, it would probably been December 21st when I got it up--let's be real folks!!) Merry Christmas!