Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Emma!!

From her first Today!!

Emma came into this world making a statement....and still does to this day! I went into labor at a Kings basketball game on Halloween Night. I was having contractions so I went to the stop of the stairs to stand for awhile, and if one more person said, "Great Costume!" to me I was going to scream!! So we finally ended up at the hospital to finish the whole thing. But Emma was going to decide when that all happened. My wonderful doctor, Dr. Jo, had a feeling that she should come bring her paperwork down into my room while I was towards the last stages of labor--but still thinking it might be awhile. Not 15 minutes after she broke my water did Emma's heartrate drop below 60 for quite awhile. Luckily since Dr. Jo was there she was able to act fast and use the vacuum to help Emma out (weighing in at 8 lbs. 13 oz.) Once out, they wisked her away (luckily with everything happening so fast Papa Redfearn was caught out in the hallway and was able to be with her until Daddy could get out there) and everything turned out fine. We now know that this was Emma's way of making a statement. She is and always has been a very laid back child--but WATCH OUT--every once in awhile she let's us all know what she wants.

As a mother of my first child, I really didn't know what a great baby/kid she really was. Very happy, alert, and full of energy. Nothing really bothered her and she was very shy. Even now Emma is just starting to come out of her shell in public and let the rest of the world see what we get to at home.

Even though Emma has been somewhat reserved, she has always been able to be who she is. She is not easily swayed by those around her, and seems to stick up for the underdog. Just this week at school another mom told me how much her son talks about Emma. It looks like she made an impression on him the first week of school on the playground when some other kids weren't being that nice. Emma is always the first to give into her brother when he wants something she has, plays the game the way he wants to play it, or even say it didn't really hurt when he is about to get in trouble for hitting her.

She has recently developed a love of reading. Anything to do with art, markers, scissors, glue, tape, glitter, etc. You can always find Emma working on a new "project" at some point during the day. And since she could walk, anything Princess, jewelry, makeup, shoes, purses,clothes(good or bad), or hair accessories have caught her attention.

I hope she is always able to keep that mellow, easy going spirit about her when there is turmoil in the world around her. And that she will always be okay with herself and sure enough, not to let others opinions influence her. And that she will still let her brother win sometimes, even when she is 16!! We love you EMMA!!


Mama Thompson said...

Happy Birthday...we can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

The Esslinger Family said...

Happy Birthday Emma-Love the pictures!

Scott said...
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Scott said...

I think one of my favorite Emma moments was when we were playing in her room, and she stood on her dress-up box and sang to the music on her CD, but she wouldn't let you and Jamie watch. Maybe someday she'll be willing to perform in front of an audience. I love you Emma! I hope you had a great birthday and a great birthday party.
Aunt Marcia