Saturday, March 7, 2009



Emma has learned to ride her bike!! This is such a great thing. Its like so many new doors have been opened for her, and our family. After the last couple of storms we had here, we have gotten some really nice days. So we have just gone out in the court and tried, tried, and tried again with the bike riding thing. And one time it was just like someone flipped a switch and she got it! Now all she wants to do it ride her bike.
Two nights this week we took bike rides as a family (probably 3+ miles). One time Grant rode his bike with training wheels--the whole way! The next night we started off okay, then he said, "Mommmy, my legs are killin' me!" So we turned around, took his bike back home, and I rode the big bike with the seat on the back. He thought it was pretty cool (we haven't used it since we was little). He kept asking me to--go faster!

Don't YOU remember riding your bike EVERYWHERE?? I do, and its so fun to see that through Emma's eyes again!


Mama Thompson said...

I cannot wait for it to warm up another 20 degrees so Dallin and I can hit the paths again on the bike...he LOVES to ride in the cart thing! To bad we have to retire the thing each year for nearly 5 months..I hate it! Tell Emma we are very proud of her...nice work!