Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Calm Before The Storm

Yesterday was another sunny warm day at our house. But we knew that another storm was coming (it is raining right now as I post this), and it is supposed to rain all week. So we took advantage of the weather and had a great family day out. First we went to the Folsom Zoo. It is a small zoo than the Sacramento Zoo, but a lot more personal. Emma loved looking at the bunnies (which we didn't get a picture of), and Grants were the monkeys (which we didn't get a picture of)!! But her are a few other things we saw:

And then we went on a train ride that goes around the zoo. To Grant, this was almost as exciting as the zoo. He still has quite the facination with trains:

Then we grabbed some lunch and headed out to the lake. Well, I guess you could call it a lake. It is right on the American River at the Folsom Dam. The water level is so low right now that you can actually drive right down to the waters edge. We had a little picnic and the kids threw rocks in the water:


Alison said...

I love the Folsom zoo! Aimee took Trevor and I there last year. Jeff has always bought season passes to the local zoo because it's his thing with all of the kids, but I need to have him go there - great fun. And what an adorable family!!