Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ponytails and Glasses

So, lately when I don't want to do my hair, or have one of "those" days, I just stick a hat on or put my hair up in a ponytail. At least one time during the day Grant will come over and pull my ponytail out and tell me that he likes my hair down. The first time he did it I thought it was kind of funny. But he does it EVERYTIME!! Tonight we were sitting on the couch and we had this conversation:

GRANT: Mommy, where you glasses at?
ME: Upstairs, I don't need them today, I'm wearing my contacts.
GRANT: Good, I no like your glasses. And I like your hair long too, no ponytails.

EXCUSE ME!! Should I be worried?? I'm I raising a boy who really cares about whether a girls hair is up or down? Or likes someone better WITHOUT glasses? What next? Don't answer that!


Mama Thompson said...

Guess you better warn the ladies down...

Mama Thompson said...

I meant "now" not "down"...I hate when I do that.