Sunday, February 22, 2009

Valentine's Party

Every now and then Emma ask me if she can get on the "Blogs" and look around. Yesterday after I made some post she asked me if she could do this. Then she informed me that I forgot to put her Valentines Day Party on the blog. What was I thinking?? So here it is"

We had good food, heart shaped quesadillas, strawberry kabobs, and punch.

We had good friends come. Emma and another girl in her class, Gionna, invited 6 girls over right after school. It was quite the site to see 6 kindergarteners pile in my car at one time. 6 backpacks, 6 goodie bags from their class party, and 6 giggly girls. It made me thankful that only ONE of those giggly girls were mine.

And some good cookies. I've decided that cookie decorating is a 6 year old girls favorite thing to do. These girls were running, laughing, singing, and dancing, but when it was time to decorate cookies, it was some serious business.

**Please note that this party was ALL Emma's idea. She started talking to me about it about 3 weeks before Valentines Day. I've decided that one day she is going to be a party planner. Once she gets an idea in her head she really thinks and thinks about it. Within those 3 weeks, she helped me order the decorations, come up with the food, made invitations, and decorated the house. And we didn't even do HALF of the stuff that she suggested.**


Mama Thompson said...

A girl after my own heart...nice work Emma!