Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This morning Grant and I went on our usual walk with our next door neighbor Julie. Everyday on our walk we go right past our neighborhood park and Grant always wants to stop and play. Today, in a moment of weakness I gave in and said YES!! So we part ways with Julie and Grant and I head over to the park for a few pushes on the swing. There are 3 other little kids there with their Grandpa. And Grant being the social butterfly that he is heads over to play with the kids--fine! Then another kid shows up at the park with his mom. We did the cordial mom "Hi" and then went on our merry way to push our kids on the swing, play on the teeter totter etc. (You park moms know what I'm talking about.)Then Grant ends up playing with her little boy too, so we are left sitting on opposite benches in an awkward moment of silence. I pretend to check my email, try and find someone who will chat with me at 9:30 in the morning-with no luck, so I'm left in this uncomfortable silence with this stranger (once again, you park moms know what I'm talking about). When all of a sudden this mom starts talking my ear off. She's talking, and talking, and talking--and I'm listening...closely. Because I'm realizing that either this woman is REALLY hard up for conversation.....OR SHE'S DRUNK!!! Come to find out---SHE'S DRUNK!! I know this because in the course of HER conversation she makes her way over to MY bench!! I jumped at the opportunity when Grant said he was cold, and we bolted out of there!! I could only leave in good conscience knowing that the kid had walked to the park with his mom and that they were probably going to go back home. I understand the sacrifice and trials of stay-at-home mom's--BUT AT 9:30 IN THE MORNING??!!!


Unknown said...

that story made me laugh out loud!!!