Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Garden Time

On Saturday we decided that it was finally warm enough to plant a garden for the year (even though I have jeans and a sweatshirt on today). So we gave Emma the camera and this is what she came up with:

Then I got behind the lens and snapped a few more:

After the work was done (okay, Daddy was still working, but the kids kind of lost interest) we rode around on the quads for awhile. Then the kids wanted to go out into the back field and pick flowers:

And just in case you were wondering...No, we did not bring one of the Village People with us that day. Grant picked out his own outfit--rainboots, camo shorts, red bandana, tee shirt (which was off most of the day), and red cowboy hat!!


Gibson Family said...

Why does it look like you planted a graden on a huge plantation. I have been to your house and unless you moved I don't remember you living on so much land?