Sunday, April 5, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Yesterday we took the kids to the mall for an afternoon, of Easter shopping, to ride the carousel, see the Easter bunny, and lunch at Fresh Choice. Sounds great right? And you might think that this post has to do with talking to the Easter Bunny right? WRONG!! Here's the story:

While shoe shopping at JC Penny, Emma is over with Jamie trying to talk him into some easter shoes with a little heel on them (she won by the way), and Grant was in the mall shopping cart, waiting patiently with me for shoes from the back. The GUY brings them over to us and Grant says, "Mom, is that a boy or a girl?" (at this point I am down by his foot removing the tennis shoe, and say quietly to him, "That's a boy") Then he says. "No, he's a girl. Only girls wear earrings!"

Luckily the guy just laughed and said "That was hecka funny!"

**Secretly I was kind of proud of my son.**


Bob and Debbie said...

So did you see the Easter Bunny? We want pictures!!!
Don't you love the things kids say, and they don't say it quiet either>

Cindy Jensen said...

I love it! Grant is my hero.

Mama Thompson said...

What kid wearing earrings says "hecka"....nice work Grant! Thanks again for making the trek out for Dallin's meant a lot! Hopefully we can hook up again!

Christy said...

I have been there. Cracked me up. My kids always make the "what's that smell" or "what stinks so bad" or "if you smoke you get sick and die" comments around people who are smoking. I completely understand the half embarassed half proud feeling!

Jeff and Kristy said...

That is too funny. I'm sure the guy didn't even care so don't feel bad.