Tuesday, September 30, 2008

College Spirit Day

I just wanted to share with all of you something really cool that Emma's school does. Every Friday is normally School Spirit Day, and everyone wears the school colors. Then once a month they have College Spirit Day. Everyone wears a college shirt and the teachers fly a college flag outside their classroom, etc. Maybe this is not a new thing to some of you, but I thought it was a great way to get kids excited and thinking about college and its importance at an early age.


Jeff and Kristy said...

Hi Sherrie, it's been a long time! Hope you are well. That is such a fun idea about the college day. Isn't sod the greatest thing in the world? I made over a backyard about a year ago when I lived in the bay area and found free sod on Craigslist but I had to drive to San Fran to pick it up.