Thursday, September 4, 2008

Money See Monkey Do

Okay, here's the situation today. Grant is in the office for awhile, and before I know it he comes in say, "Mommy, child of dog (God)." That is a song that we sing together almost every night. So I say, "Sure we can sing it", but that just wont do. He keeps saying it over and over and is getting more irritated at me because I'm just not understanding what he wants. Here's the final outcome:

He wants to listen to I Am A Child Of God on the computer and sing with IT!! (not mommy)

Recently I have attempted to join the ward choir. Well, practice for 45 minutes once a week just doesn't cut it for me (she who has LIMITED musical ability), so I found a site that I can pull up the music on and practice with. Well I guess he saw me doing this and wanted to brush up on a few of his own skills. Gotta' love him!!


Jodi Hansen said...

Welcome back...I was just telling your mom this weekend that you needed to update your blog. Glad to see things are going well. That will be cool if you guys can come to Grandma and Pops for Thanksgiving. The kids will have so much fun playing!!

The Esslinger Family said...

I love how Dax and Grant are only 2and already love to play on the computer!! They probably know how to use it better than I do!