Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ode to Oreo

On July 2, 2008 we ventured into the world of pets. Emma is deathly afraid of animals (all of them), and has been forever. So our attempt at helping her get over it was to get a dog of our own. So Oreo, which is a havanese, came to live with us. But since then, Emma has lived her life on top of the furniture in fear. Needless to say, it has been a little over 2 months and it hasn't been getting any better for her (and I'm about to go crazy trying to referee Oreo & Emma on a daily basis). But we have some friends who watched Oreo while we went on vacation and fell in love with him. So Oreo will be going to live with them this Saturday (thanks Garrisons). This decision was made after many tear filled conversation with Emma, but one that had to be done. She has come to terms with it, and has informed us that "When I'm not scared of dogs anymore, we can have Oreo's sister come live with us!" Here is a glimpse of our short time with Oreo--We love you!


Mama Thompson said...

Poor Oreo...maybe a visitation schedule should be ordered:)

Christy said...

I am so sorry it didn't work for you. Dog's can be a lot of fun but maybe someday. Have you thought about a turtle? Slow moving but fun and they start to recognize their owners pretty quickly. They are very smart and are a good first pet! Good luck.