Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Learning How to Clean

Today I realized something that I take for granted--that I know how to clean(some of you who have been to my house on a bad day might disagree). But for the most part it is just something I do--on a daily basis. Today after school Emma wanted to play Webkinz on the computer, so I sent her up to clean her room before she could play. While I was unloading groceries, Emma came downstairs and announced to me that she needed my help because she didn't know how to clean. (I promise, Emma has done this before--by herself). But today she was a bit overwhelmed by the task of cleaning her room by herself. So we spent the next 30 minutes together, cleaning her room. And I realized that it really is something that I needed to teach her. Sometimes it is just nice to "stop and smell the roses." Even if the roses need to be cleaned!


mjseavers said...

Cute, I love it! Good for you mom! Does she want to come over and teach Jane?

Mama Thompson said...

So you're saying I have to TEACH Dallin how to pick up his toys...he just won't do that on his own....dang it!